Apr 30, 2018
Why some couples seem to recover after infidelity while others can't?Miami relationship expert Idit Sharoni walks you through the 3 main components that block the healing process after learning about your partner's cheating.
Idit offers an extensive explanation that includes a roadmap to healing where she shares the...
Apr 16, 2018
When you feel you're stuck because nothing is positively changing in your relationship, you get discouraged thinking you're in one of those change resistant relationships.
This episode is inspired by a couple that told me the following:"This is our last chance before divorce. We either change or we give up on this...
Apr 9, 2018
On this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov discusses the new normal when it comes to dating and that is dating multiple people at once.
Inspired by an email from on of our listeners, together with Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni, they discuss the do's and dont's as far as early...
Apr 2, 2018
On this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni shares the recipe for how to have an incredible trip that makes everyone happy! Believe it or not, it is possible to have a relaxing, enjoyable, and guilt-free time with your spouse while seeing everyone you want to see back home.