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Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni brings you invaluable relationship advice and easy-to-apply tips and ideas about common relationship issues. Let's un-complicate your relationship!

Jul 31, 2017

If you are trying to piece back your relationship after it's been shattered by an affair, then this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated will be of help to you. 

This episode, called Staying After Infidelity - Mistake #2, addresses the second mistake couples make while trying to heal after infidelity.


Jul 24, 2017

Have you recently asked yourself, "How did my relationship get to this point?"

If you are in a new relationship or in a committed relationship for a while and things are not going as well as you'd hoped they would in the beginning, then this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated could help you. 

Breakup Specialist...

Jul 17, 2017

Have you said the following words to yourself recently? "We Need Help."

If so, then this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, "Is It Time for Couples Counseling" is one you don't want to miss. 

Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni provides a roadmap for the process most couples go through when they are experiencing...

Jul 10, 2017

Do you ever think about the one that got away

Believe it or not, the reason why you can't let go has nothing to do with the person constantly on your mind and absolutely everything to do with you.                          

If you're intrigued, then this episode is definitely for you!

In this episode of Relationships...

Jul 3, 2017

Ever wonder how to increase trust after infidelity has been revealed in a relationship?

In this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni reveals the first of many mistakes both partners make after their infidelity is revealed.

Together with Alina Gershonov, this series of episodes,...