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Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni brings you invaluable relationship advice and easy-to-apply tips and ideas about common relationship issues. Let's un-complicate your relationship!

Apr 9, 2018

On this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov discusses the new normal when it comes to dating and that is dating multiple people at once. 

Inspired by an email from on of our listeners, together with Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni, they discuss the do's and dont's as far as early...

Apr 2, 2018

On this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Relationship Expert Idit Sharoni shares the recipe for how to have an incredible trip that makes everyone happy! Believe it or not, it is possible to have a relaxing, enjoyable, and guilt-free time with your spouse while seeing everyone you want to see back home.


Mar 26, 2018

Being broken up with is one of the most devastating feelings. Whether it was expected or not, the heartache is just the same. You feel like your world has been turned upside down. 

Breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov shares 6 steps you can begin implementing immediately to help you work through the pain.

Together with...

Mar 19, 2018

How many times have you heard the piece of advice that many people feel the need to share: "you and your spouse need to go out for date nights." Chances are you've heard or even told someone to do so.

Going out on date nights can be a great time, however they are not the solution to marriage problems. 


Mar 12, 2018

On this episode of Relationships Uncomplicated, Breakup Specialist Alina Gershonov offers a refreshing and different perspective on staying together for the sake of your children.

What kind of relationships do you want your children to have in the future? This very question is what sparked Alina's interest in offering a...